Friday 23 August 2013

Flipped Learning turning Learning tradition on its head

Flipped learning is designed to offer innovative learning method that delivers instruction at home through interactive, teacher-created videos and moves “homework” to the classroom. This approach allows teachers to spend more time interacting with students instead of lecturing. This is also known as backwards classroom, reverse instruction, flipping the classroom and reverse teaching. 

With flipped classroom teacher have more time to help students and explain difficult concepts and students can watch lectures online and works on problem sets with other students in class. Many schools have adopted the flipped classroom model in order to offer great experience and  Council of secondary education Mohali is also dedicated to promotes meaningful learning experience. 

There are plenty of factors that are essential to support successful flipped learning such as Flexible environments, Culture shift, and Intentional content, Professional educators and so on. Flipped learning is not a shortcut of reading less as many students looking for a quick and easy way to get the information "spoon fed" as quickly and as "painless" as possible.
The major challenge about flipped learning is that students should be self motivated enough to work at home independently. If the students don't prepared flipped lesson looses 90% of its effectiveness. Flip learning helps everyone more successfully achieve the course’s learning objectives.

S.C.F - 61 - 62,
Industrial Area,
Phase-7, Mohali

Topic: Flipped Learning turning Learning tradition on its head 


  1. I love the idea of flipping the classroom to align with what is the major focus of our teaching in flipped learning.

  2. Wonderful! I sincerely hope you can create Flexible environments, Culture shift, and Intentional content, Professional educators and so on.

  3. great idea of flipping the classrooms and much focus on learning.

  4. Its a good thing that through flipped learning students are motivated enough to work at home independently....

  5. With help of this flipped Education, there is a long time attraction between students and teachers......

  6. flipping the classrooms is the best idea of education.. Keep it up CSE...
